It's an oldie but a goody. I shared it with Tommy Franks and he used it often with embellishment, and as a four star general - it always got laughs.
Here the Moose has told the joke to Courtney bringing forth her laughter. The location is the famous restaurant, bar and brew house in Pensacola, McGuire's Irish Pub. McGuire's was originally established in a strip mall in 1977 when Darlene and I were first married and I was going through flight school. My classmate and friend Emory Chenoweth supplied the owners with Irish music and today 30 years later a drink remains named after Emery. Court wanted to visit this landmark on our drive to Virginia. Wish granted and we enjoyed a filling lunch before we hit the road.

Back on the road, Courtney displays her road warrior skills learned as a Navy kid traveling cross country to Texas with her Mom. (I looked up "cute" in the dictionary and this picture was there)

A midnight American Heart Association breakfast at the Waffle House. After a meal and a pow wow Courtney said let's press on. We hit Norfolk by 0700 and only Roxy was awake to greet us.
A super trip with my new college graduate. She is a true road warrior and terrific driver like Mom. I'll go anywhere with her, a GPS and a loaded iPod. Drive on Courtney!
NOTE: I apologize for the gratuitous dropping of Tommy Franks name in an entry about my family. I was told I would never make it in the Navy by being a name dropper. Henry Kissinger told me that in 1988 when we were meeting with Colin Powell and Condoliza Rice on the Soviet's Mini Mobile Missiles.
NOTE: I apologize for the gratuitous dropping of Tommy Franks name in an entry about my family. I was told I would never make it in the Navy by being a name dropper. Henry Kissinger told me that in 1988 when we were meeting with Colin Powell and Condoliza Rice on the Soviet's Mini Mobile Missiles.
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